
Pool Use and Rules

Use of the Pool shall be subject to the following: 

  • Users must complete and sign Assumption of Risk form: https://www.sunpeak.org/about/activity-release-form/ 
  • By using the Recreation Facilities, the user assumes all risks.
  • There will be NO Lifeguard on Duty at any time. Swim at your own risk always. 
  • Evacuate the pool during weather events such as lightning, high winds, rain. Emergency evacuation of the pool area are through the three (3) gates located at the North and South end of the pools, and at the main entry gate adjacent to the mens bathroom.
  • In case of an emergency, call 911.
  • Use of the pool and pool deck is for Sun Peak residents only. Sun Peak residents are permitted to bring up to six (6) guests to the pool. If residents wish to bring more than six (6) guests they must apply with the manager in the form on this page for the additional use and pay the appropriate fees. See the pool use application at sunpeak.org.
  • All children under the age of 14 using the pool must be under the direct supervision of an adult (18 years or older). 
  • Enter through the pool gate only. Pool gates must always remain locked. Do not prop the gate open or leave it ajar. 
  • No pool toys permitted in the pool. Children may have swim aids such as floaties, kick board, noodles, and life vests. 
  • Homeowners are required to clean up after themselves, bring their own swimwear including children’s swim diapers, protective wear, and disinfectant. 
  • NO PETS are permitted in the pool or deck area. 
  • NO PARTIES or gatherings are to be held at the pool or deck area. 
  • NO DIVING and NO RUNNING is permitted in the pool or on the pool deck areas.
  • NO FOOD, NO GLASS is permitted in the pool or on the pool deck. The BBQ area is the designated area for food and drinks,
  • The BBQ area is to be shared amongst all users and cannot be reserved for private functions.
  • LIABILITY WAIVERS are required to use the facilities. Liability waivers are available at Sunpeak.org. 
  • MEMBERS must be current on dues/assessments to use the facilities. 
  • Pool rules may be changed without prior notice. 
  • Hours of Operation: 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, gates are open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. NO USE is permitted after 9:00 pm, the Sheriff should be contacted if use is continued after 9:00 pm..
  • Sun Peak pool deck area pergolas are for use on a first come first serve basis. If other Sun Peak residents are waiting to utilize a pergola area please limit your time to two (2) hours.
  • The use of the pool may be revoked for illegal use.
  • Pool Reservations for parties does not restrict other Sun Peak residents from use. Maximum number of people permitted in a pool party is 25 people, including the hosting homeowner and their household members. Fees apply. 
  • Management reserves the right to refuse to cause a reservation change at any time. The facilities may not be used for money-making purposes.
  • Damages are the responsibility of the user and will be billed to the homeowner allowing the use of the facilities. 
  • Use of the clubhouse and pool does not constitute endorsement by the HOA.
  • Reservations will be made on a first come first serve basis (up to three times per year for the same resident and then as available) with a written application at least two weeks prior to the rental, accompanied by the rental fees and security deposit.
  • Report all issues to the association manager at sunpeakpc@gmail.com or 435-655-8365.
  • Womens and Mens Bathrooms and Showers are located on the main floor of the clubhouse. Womens bathroom stairs are on the north end of the clubhouse, Mens bathroom stairs are located on the south end of the clubhouse.
  • Children should be supervised at all times, including when in the bathrooms.
  • In case of water emergencies such as Vomit, Faeces, Blood please evacuate the pool immediately, notify all users of the incident. And report to the association manager at sunpeakpc@gmail.com 435-655-8365.
  • Pool Chemical and Equipment Maintenance Contractor is Tanner Duncan 801-473-5719 crystalcleanandclearllc@gmail.com. Tanner inspects and opens the pool daily at 8:00 am. Summit County reviews chemical checks to confirm the pool is meeting health code requirements.
Pool Use Reservations

If you would like to apply to bring more than 6 guests to the pool area, you need to be logged in to the website. If you are not logged in, follow the link at the bottom of this page to login then fill out the form below.

  • Maximum # of people in a pool party is 25 people, including the homeowners and their household members. Fee $75.00, make check out to Sun Peak HOA. 
  • Applicants may only rent the pool for events at which they agree to serve as hosts. As hosts, applicants agree to always be onsite during rental, including any period of decorating and/or cleanup.
  • Applicants agree to accept responsibility for the actions of all guests during the hours of use.

Current Reservations


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